Just months after they began they had several families in attendance and only a year later probably around 120 regulars. When we left they had moved to a new location because they had more than 300 people on their books.
What were they doing so right that the Anglican church was doing so wrong?
1: Presentation - everything was presented as professionally as possible. Bulletins were in colour, lighting was modern, chairs were comfy and the auditorium was warm.
2: Young Pastor - youth attracts youth. Messages were encouraging and motivating, typical of a pentecostal church. I call it the 'You can do it' sermon.
3: Energy worship - all songs were no older than ten years, with most probably five years or less. Full band WITH DRUMS. Music was loud and singers energetic. Basically it was a rock concert.
4: Guest speakers - aah, yes, variety.
But wait a minute...
On closer inspection, there were almost no members of the church over 30. Very few had children and in fact, most were university students. This church had limited its target audience. Maybe this could be the key to church growth? Focus on one particular demographic?
Try getting the Anglicans to adopt this philospohy! Or the Baptists, or Presbyterians for that matter. Or the....
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