There won't be any worship singing. There's not going to be any sermon (although usually a very short 'talk' or message, sometimes split up into several parts, will establish the service's theme and challenge the participant. But it's not a message that you might hear at a 'modern' style Sunday morning church service. It poses questions that it refrains from answering and puts the participant in a position to ask, 'What's God saying to me?'
One of the best ways to describe Oxygen is to use a word that is considered 'unmentionable' among Christians: selfish. Oxygen is a time where one can, and should be selfish in connecting with God. "It's your time with God, so use it. Forget about everyone else. Be selfish."
Hey Steve,
good to see what's going on, O2 sounds like it could be a goer, will keep an eye on it.
God Bless
Thanks Michael. Hope you guys are well.
Yes, it's all very exciting and daunting at the same time!
Thanks for your encouragement.
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